The Third Manoff

On a recent page about Lee Grant, I mentioned that Tom Manoff had composed the scores for a handful of Lee Grant’s documentaries. Recently, I received the following email:

“You might be interested to know that some of the music to Lee Grant’s other documentaries (Women on Trial  and Battered) are also by Tom Manoff–but under his `commercial name´ Tom Carpenter…”

The email was signed “Tom Manoff”.

Yeah, that Tom Manoff — son of Arnold Manoff, stepson to Lee Grant, and half-brother to Dinah Manoff — now a  composer and classical music critic for NPR.

I wrote back to assure him that I would add the corrected information, then rather gingerly asked if he had also happened to see my paean to his sister, Dinah (My Celebrity Girlfriend). He wrote once more and assured me that he would go back and read it.

Gulp! Now what do I do?

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