Monthly Archives: June 2006

Get the Scoop on Poop

From Hampton Roads TV:

Poop exhibit makes you think before you flush

Of course it’s gross, but who knew poop could be so interesting?

Discover the secret life of kaka at the Virginia Living Museum’s new exhibit, “The Scoop on Poop” Based on the popular book by Wayne Lynch and touted as the thing to “doo” this summer, the exhibit explores the many dimensions of poop from how animals and industry use it to how it’s pronounced in different countries.

Kids and their parents can compete in dung beetle races, improve their #2 IQ in stool school, meet a dinosaur duty detective and more.

Watch as’s Kristen Leigh does her “doody” and takes you through the wonderful world of poop.

A Dummie’s Guide to Death

Today I attended a … I was going to say funeral, but I don’t think it was the actual funeral. It wasn’t a service either, although it took place in a church. The obituary said only that the family would be receiving visitors. My friend’s mother had died, so I went to pay my respects.

I don’t do death very well. I don’t understand the etiquette. I had to ask my manager at work — who, unfortunately, has been attending quite a few funerals lately — what I should do, what was expected. Do I bring flowers? Do I send flowers? Isn’t there some flora involved in this somehow?

There are regional differences and cultural expectations and I just don’t know what they are. I need a Dummie’s Guide to Death

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4:00 AM Thunder Clap

Yesterday afternoon we pitched our camping tent on the front lawn, and last night Arthur and Marina decided to sleep out there. It was a clear, cool night, and as they settled in I asked if they wanted the tent cover, but they insisted that they would be warm enough.

Somewhere around 4 AM, I was awoken by a thunder clap and realized that it was raining. I wish I could say that I bolted out of bed, but that is a near impossibilty for me. Instead, I moaned and turned over, at which point Sharon informed me that our wet kids were already inside.

Thank goodness that one of us was a light sleeper last night, although it is usually me…

Young Eagles

[[Image:2006/06/11/kidsandbill.jpg|Young Eagles Day]]

June 11 2006 was Young Eagles Day in Charlottesville. I took the kids (plus their friend Kyra) to the local airport and they all got to fly around the city courtesy of EAA Chapter 1257.

Clicking on the image above will take you to a slideshow gallery. Clicking on any individual slide will open the picture in full frame. For more images, Continue reading


Marina gets a trophy!

We all attended a Piedmont Little League picnic on Saturday. The kids got to play in inflatable slides and rooms, and Marina got a trophy!

Arthur and Marina in the moon bounce. Arthur gets caught in the act of bring a little brother…!

Maxine gracefully glides down the slide…(“womp!”)

Marina gets her Little League trophy.