An outdoor carnival, somewhere in the Bay Area, sometime in Spring. you have trouble viewing the above clip, please visit Google Video for more options.)
An outdoor carnival, somewhere in the Bay Area, sometime in Spring. you have trouble viewing the above clip, please visit Google Video for more options.)
A quiet Christmas at home. Kathy gets more dolls, I get guns, and Kevin gets an army uniform. Ah, fortunate sons… you have trouble viewing the clip above, please visit Google Video for more options.)
A birthday, Halloween, and Thanksgiving with cousins. you have trouble viewing the clip above, visit Google Video for more options.)
Maxine is an avant-garde video artist.
We spent July 4th of 1963 at Point Richmond, Emeryville. you have trouble viewing the clip above, visit Google Video for more options.)
Scenes from the summer of ’63; family time at a local park, and playing in our kiddie pool in the back yard. you have trouble viewing the clip above, visit Google Video for more options.)
Following the family tradition, Marina has posted a video of her 6th grade science report on dust storms.
Marina’s school is practicing their own opening ceremonies for the Summer Olympics, and Arthur decides to get in on the act. you have trouble viewing the clip above, visit Google Video for more options.)
Christmas 1962 at Grandma and Grandpa Iveagh’s home, with the Lienharts you have trouble viewing the clip above, visit Google Video for additional options.)
My first Christmas in our California home. you trouble viewing the clip above, visit Google Video for more options.)